Sunday, March 13, 2011



Our Dying Earth

our earth is suffering because of us
and it is dying because of our wrong doings
we made make our mother nature suffer and thus
instead of good beginnings we made endings
we humans are destroying our own birthplace!
we are engulfed with greed and madness
us humans shouldve treasure our earth with grace
if this continues our earth is helpless
there is a way to fix this!, you can try
be ecological and see the sky

I chose this theme because, i want to tell people that our earth is dying and suffering because
of our actions and misbehaviors towards our earth, i want to tell people that there is a way to
fix it and make it better



At last holiday time has arrived!
it feels like a freedom and joy in the air
now its time to relax and enjoy the fair
The boredom of school i have survived!
and now my energy to play has revived
its time to sleep and play games in my lair
the time to sit, watch tv and eat lots of eclair
the holiday homeworks i connived
take a long deep breath and relax your mind
its holliday, theres nothing to worry
wake up at noon, eat dinner, sleep again..
the holiday's over, wish i can rewind
havent done the work, wish i had a fairy
i remember how school made my spirit blind...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Shape poems



i chose the theme lightning because, i admire it for its beautiful light, but i also fear it 
for its terrifying sound and destructive power
lightning is one of mother nature power that we should not under estimate.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Freestyle poems

non rhyming:

oh for so long i have waited for my joy
for some time i have waited for my freedom
i have treasured those times
i only wish i could share it
because being alone is not enough
oh how i wish everyone can enjoy this


when i was little i was full of joy
i payed no attention to the world around me
when i grew up i realized this world is full of sorrow
oh how i wish this world could be more free
tho i seek for hope when there is no hope
ill be more helpful just to make the world smile
when i ask people for guidance their answer is only.. nope!
all those people treat me like an exile!
i was lost and scared, but i can never give up
i have to share my happiness with all of those people
we have to be strong and buildup
we have to smile so our joy would not ripple

Acroustic poems

Adit is my nickname
i love to Doodle
Irritating sometimes
 a Team player i am
You now should know somethings about me
be A good person and ill be friends with you

Homework is the thing i dislike
Oh no i have tons of it!
Maybe i should work harder
but Every time i try i fell asleep
Would you like to help me?
On sundays i rush every homework
i Rarely enjoy work
now i can Kiss the homework good bye, because its holiday!

For every day i like to enjoy my time
Unlike some people who are prone to stress
Now i have to share my joy with everybody

I do enjoy Gaming so much
And my friends as well
My mission is to gain happiness
Intelegent at gaming i should be, but it seems im not at school!
Now i have to study more
Glad i have friends to study with!

For everyday i love to eat
but On my plate it isn't enough!
but On this planet there is so much kinds of food!
i think i need a Diet

Sleeping is the best thing to when you're bored
Like myself, i enjoy every second of my sleep
and i Enjoy sleeping so much its the first thing i want to do when i wake up
sadly Every morning i have to wake up early
i love how my tv Puts me to sleep

These acroustic poems that i made tells a story about things i like and dislike,
its basically a poem about myself
i use these poems to reflect on myself and my surroundings
and it tells my current life story


Theme = The sky

roaming through the skies
down the rain on the city
yet it brings us hope

as the engine roars
it is huge and gigantic
and yet it can fly

it goes bang and boom
as the flashing strobe of light
yet it is fearsome

it is white and cold
so wear your coats and warm gloves
its beautiful

Theres no boundaries
there is only blue and white
There us no limits there

soaring through the skies
Terrifying yet graceful
Roaming far and wild

my theme is about our beautiful skies up above us. i wrote it because i see the sky as a good thing for humanity and a sense of freedom, and our sky is full of excitement and wonders.
there are planes, birds, clouds, and other beautiful things mother nature has in store for us